Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What's with the name?

So what's with the "unclassified thoughts and written words" title? Let me explain.

Unclassified thoughts: Blogging never interested me because I a) didn't want to over share my personal life with random internet readers, and b) never had an obvious theme that I passionately wanted to write about day in and day out. And given my limited understanding of blogging, I was under the clearly misguided impression that you had to fall into one of those two parameters to truly blog (whatever that means). Recently, however, through discussion with a friend, it finally occurred to my overly structured little mind that I can go ahead and write out my random thoughts on a blog—without clearly defining a blog theme and a predetermined set of topic parameters. What a novel idea, one that embarrassingly enough would likely never have occurred to me on my own. Regardless, that notion set me free to give this old blogging thing a proper go.

Now I suppose that technically speaking we could say that “thoughts” is the theme of this here blog. While the “unclassified” descriptor catches my intention of each posting being allowed to be a standalone thought, without having to fit into a larger theme or, ehem, classification.

That explains the first half of the title, now on to the second.

Written words: Well, that's pretty self explanatory. The thoughts are written out with words, not spoken or conveyed through diagram (at least not often anyway). Although I suspect that the topics or ideas, the thoughts if you will, often emerge from things I have, or would like to, converse about, here they are written about with the beautiful and always functional word.

And thus, unclassified thoughts and written words, that is what you will find on this blog.

So there you have it. I’m kind of enjoying this forum for running through current thoughts bouncing around my head, and I sincerely hope that you are too.

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